The Ice Rink Haarlem is open from 19 October until 30 March 2025 (check opening hours)
Ice Rink Haarlem has two ice floors: a 400 meter oval rink and a rectangular 30×60 meter ice floor. Both ice floors are covered by a roof. The oval rink has a gallery roof on one side allowing daylight and fresh air to enter the premises. A partially covered ice rink means that regardless of the weather skating at the Ice Rink Haarlem is always fun.
The Ice Rink Haarlem has one of the best ice floors in the Netherlands. The ice is prepared with specially purified (osmosis) water, guaranteeing fast ice for speed skating.
The 400 meter oval is a great place for long distance skating or to hone your skating skills. The rectangular floor is a wonderful place for anyone to take his or her first steps on the ice or for kids to have fun. There is a wide variety of metal racks to support novices and kids on the ice at the rectangular (30×60 meter) ice floor.

Opening hours
The daily opening times for the general public can be found under the menu item of this website “Praktische informatie” under “Openingstijden“. During these hours everyone can skate at the Ice Rink.
The admission fees for the skating season 2024-2025 are:
1. Ticket youth (-16) € 5,40
2. Ticket adult (16+) € 9,00
3. 10ride-card (10 sessions) (-16) € 46,80
4. 10ride-card (10 sessions) (16+) € 77,00
5. Season ticket (see website): toegangsprijzen
At the ice rink only payments with debit card or credit cards are accepted; cash payments are not accepted.
Please, buy your tickets online (at the ice rink you pay a surcharge of € 1,- per transaction).
Skating is allowed on all types of skates
During public opening hours anyone can skate on either the oval (400metertrack) or the rectangular ice floor (30x60metertrack). All sorts of skates are allowed on the ice during this time: speed skates, hockey or figure skates and modern clap skates. The choice is yours.
Skate rental
You can rent skates at the shop. In general, we advise you to rent speed skates with a stiff boot made of plastic quite like the boot on an ice hockey skate. Ice hockey and figure skates can also be rented. If you have never (or only occasionally) skated before we advise you to rent the so-called “Combinoor“, a speed skate with an ice hockey boot. These skates support your ankles and are very stable because of the long blade and as a result the Combinoor skates are the best and safest choice for novices. Check the website of the Skate Rental or call +31(0) 23-2014151 (Schaatssport Haarlem).
Safety regulations – skate safe
While skating on the ice it is compulsory to wear gloves. We strongly advise you to wear also a thick cap or hat. Even better is to wear a bicycle helmet (a shorttrack helmet is the best option). You must only skate counterclockwise, like everyone else on the 400metertrack. The inside of the track is reserved for fast skaters. Leave ample space on the inside track of the oval for fast speed skaters. It is advisable to not stand still in the bends, except during the resurfacing of the ice: skaters losing their balance in the bend might slide towards the outside edge of the rink and knock you over.
Resurfacing the ice
Every hour the ice is resurfaced using ice resurfacing machines. When the machine is on the ice, you are requested to stop skating and stand still at the edge of the rink, along the boarding, until the ice machine have left the ice. For your own safety: stand absolutely still by the boarding while the ice is resurfaced. Resurfacing the ice takes only about 6-8 minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. Check the ice resurfacing scheme.
Learn to skate
Skating lessons are given by Kras Sport, the ice skating school of the Haarlem Ice Rink. It is possible to arrange private lessons or to join the regular program of lessons for a half or whole season (3 or 6 months). During the public holiday Kras Sport organises short, intensive courses (3-5 days) for beginners and (more) experienced skaters of all ages. For Kras Sport, please follow this link.
Another great way for kids to learn how to skate is to join the lessons for juniors/kids on Saturday mornings. These lessons are organised by the skating clubs. Look for “Jeugdschaatsen” on the websites of the ice/skating clubs mentioned on this website. Children do not have to join a club to take part in these lessons. The Saturday sessions cost only circa € 100 for a full season (20 lessons).
Take your first steps on the ice on the rectangular ice floor (30x60meter rink)
The rectangular ice floor in the middle of the oval ice rink, is a wonderful place for anyone, but especially kids, to take his or her first steps on the ice. There is a wide variety of metal racks to support novices. Follow this link to see the opening hours
Play Ice hockey | The rectangular ice floor is reserved for ice hockey on Tuesday and Thursday evening | Pickup Icehockey
Anyone wanting to play ice hockey (with a group of friends) is welcome on Tuesday and Thursday from 21:30 – 23:00 h. Please square off a section of the ice with the triangular cushions that can be found next to the airboarding. There are also ice hockey goals which you can use. Please take the other groups that play ice hockey at these hours in consideration. Another option is to join the group(s) that are playing on these evenings: just ask if you can join them.
On Tuesday and Wednesday at the above mention ice hockey hours fun skating is not allowed on the 30x60meter ice floor, but the longtrack skating the 400meter rink is open for recreational skating.
(Serious) speed skating and ice training
For regular and more serious speed skating one has to join an ice/skating club. Some 20 ice clubs (skating clubs) use the ice rink in Haarlem to train and to race. Training and lessons take place at special, dedicated hours (Mondays after 17.00 h., Wednesdays 17.30-19.15 h., Thursdays 18.15-19.15 h. and Saturdays 07.00-08.10 h. The speed skating competitions and races are held on Saturday and Sunday evenings. On monday evenings (21.30 – 23.00 h.) the ice clubs organise speed skating marathons. To take part in these competitions, races or marathons you will have to be a member of an ice club. Also you need to have a subscription for one of the above training sessions. Moreover, you need a license from the KNSB (Royal Dutch Skating Union). The ice clubs are pleased to help and advise you. Links to the ice clubs can be found on this page of the website of the ice rink. Choose an ice club near where you live.
Top speed skating – training in Haarlem for international teams or top skaters
Foreign and international top (professional) speed skating teams are welcome to skate in Haarlem on dedicated hours for the top teams. These hours are created especially for talented skaters and (pro)teams. The guidlines for participation are to be able to skate faster then < 41.70 (500m.) and/or < 2.10.50 (1.500 m.) and/or < 4.29.00 (3 km.) and/or< 7.35 (5 km.). These times are equal for men and women.
Training hours for top speed skating (international teams)
- Tuesday 17.00 – 18.00 (max. 70 skaters)
- Thursday 17.00 – 18.00 (max. 70 sktaters)
- Friday 18.00 – 18.35 – Resurfacing the ice – 18.40 – 19.15 (both max. 90 skaters)
To train in these top speed skating hours (regularly, occasionally or a single time), please send an email to or call Rob Kleefman, director + 31 (0)23 525 4000.
Speed Skating training for international teams during public opening hours is also always possible, but please be mindful of other skaters!
Top speed skating – taking part in a speedskating race (on Saturday- or Sunday evening)
Top speedskaters or teams interested to take part in a speedskating races in Haarlem (on Saturday and Sunday evening) are requested to send an email to the organizing speed skating committee (Baancommissie) of the Haarlem Ice Rink. Please email your request to:
Shorttrack speed skating
Interested in shorttrack skating? Shorttrack Haarlem organizes training/lessons on Thursdays (18.15-19.15 h) and Sundays (20.00-21.30 h). Anyone can join these sessions. If you would like to try shorttrack skating or take part in a couple of sessions, you are more than welcome. The fee for a session/lesson (including shorttrack skates, helmet and admission) is € 12,50. The sessions are suitable for anyone, though it is advisable that you can cross over (‘stepping over’) a little in the bends. If you want to take part in a training session or try shorttrack (all ages), please send an email to: or call Nadia Pampiglione (06 5598 7276).
Figure skating
Love figure skating? At the Haarlem Ice Rink you can join the Kunstschaats Vereniging Haarlem:
Bandy is hockey on ice (not ice hockey) played according to the much stricter rules of field hockey. It is an inspiring and dynamic sport. If you love (field)hockey you will probably like bandy. Want to try it? Please contact:
Dressing rooms
There are several dressing rooms with showers at Ice Rink Haarlem. Please use the dressing rooms to change into your skating gear. Follow the signs at the rink to the “kleedkamers”.
The restaurant at the ice rink is during opening hours of the ice rink. The restaurant offers not only drinks (warm and cold, alcoholic and non-alcoholic) but also a wide variety of food items for lunch or dinner, especially traditional Dutch winter fare like ‘ stamppot’ (kale stew with smoked sausage). Please see the menu at the website of the restaurant.Hotel (accomodation) near Ice Rink
Would you like to stay in Haarlem to train at the ice rink for a few days (or more). Are you looking for accommodation? The most convenient hotel is the Ibis Styles Hotel Haarlem, within a 3 minute walk to the ice rink. From the upper floor rooms one can even see the skaters on the rink.
Free admission to the ice rink and restaurant if you do not skate
Family members or friends can come along to the ice rink and watch others skate. They do not have to pay the admission fee.
What to wear on the ice
Always wear gloves when skating. Keep all parts of your body covered: do not skate in a short sleeved t-shirt. Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like tight fitting (lycra) training pants and jackets. You may also want to wear thermal underwear to keep you warm and/or a short (fleece) jacket. At least wear a hat or cap made of thick fabric to keep your head warm (and safe). If you have a skating or bicycle helmet, please do wear it! Skate safe.
Activities for groups (companies): Bavarian Curling
If you would like to organize an outing for a company or a group of friends/family, the ice rink offers Bavarian Curling (a game for groups), quite similar to curling or jeu-de-boules. The game is played in teams of 3-6 people. Two teams play against each other. The purpose is to throw and slide your “ice stock” as close to a target (the so-called “daube” or puck) as possible. Only one team can score points in a round. Each game consists of six rounds. The ice rink has several dedicated fields for Bavarian Curling on the rectangular ice floor, accommodating a maximum of six teams (36-40 people). Precision and teamwork are necessary and determine the results. Bavarian Curling is a team effort!
The price for Bavarian Curling sessions (group activity) is € 22,50 per person for a series of games lasting one hour or € 27,50 for a session of 80minutes. An experienced Bavarian Curling instructor will accompany and co-ordinate the game. The fee includes admission to the ice rink and 60/80 minutes of playing time.
If you have any further questions, please call Michiel Kersten +31 (0) 6 1005 7228 or the ice rink: 023 525 4000 or email
Ice Rink Haarlem
IJsbaanlaan 2
2024 AV Haarlem
Next to the ice rink is a large parking lot. Parking is free!
Public transport
The train station “Bloemendaal” is at only 8 minutes walking distance from the Ice Rink Haarlem. Take the local (stoptrein) from Haarlem Station to Bloemendaal (first stop, trainride less than 5 minutes)
Enjoy the ice in Haarlem!
Last update: January 9, 2022